Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas–and fishing

First of all I wanted to say Merry Christmas.  Ours was quite enjoyable.  Lots of good food and plenty of laughs.

Second of all, I want to just chat – mostly too myself, so feel free to ignore me.  I’ve now signed up to be a World Fishing Network Ambassador.  So, now I have that on top of being the Northern Wisconsin Fishing Examiner.  It’s been a while since I’ve put up any articles, but I know I have to get back into it.  Two completely different formats, of course.  But sometimes I wonder if people will actually read what I write.  Do I know enough about it?  Will it be interesting and informative?  I don’t know.  I can talk about bass fishing through the eyes of someone new to the sport, but that’s really all I have going.  I guess the best thing to do it sit down and write a firm list for each: things I want to write an article about and things I can blog about.  Blogging is much different from article writing, for sure.  So, two different set-ups, two different audiences.  Maybe I should use One Note to organize my ideas?  I don’t know.  I know there’s already a lot of information out there – maybe that’s why it seems such a daunting task.  Maybe articles about how I learned the things I know how and how I plan to learn the things I don’t already know are in order.

Really I just wanted to add something to my blog.  That’s the reason I’m here today.  I guess I needed to stretch my fingers and write something – anything!  Other than NaNo, I haven’t written much of anything lately.  I’ve done a couple flash fiction entries for contests, and some revisions on my novel.  So, I guess saying that I haven’t written anything would be false.  A 50,000 word novel in a month is something, at least.

But now I have to get into the nonfiction realm.  I don’t know why I think it would be easier to break into that.  Outdoorsmen everywhere write about their passions.  It’s not any easier to break into paid writing in nonfiction, I don’t think.  Maybe it’s even more difficult. But I’m going to try.  Blogs, pics, and videos go to WFN.  Localized articles about fishing in Northern Wisconsin go to Examiner.  Articles about fishing in general go to Suite 101.  That’s my set up going into the new year.

Good luck and tight lines in 2011, All!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas Muse, where are you?

It’s already December 3rd, and I have yet to find my Christmas muse.  Not sure where she went off to this year, but I haven’t been able to find her.  Maybe it’s because we don’t have our Christmas tree up yet.  I usually have it up earlier, and the warm glow of the lights gets me in the mood to write Christmas tales.  I guess I should get it up tonight and see if it helps.  I’ve thought of a few tales to tell, but they all seem trite to me in some way or another. 

Maybe I’ll start with a good Christmas comedy.  That always gets me in the holiday spirit.  Think about it – people who don’t normally spend every day together are often forced into a house not meant for such a crowd, and sometimes for days!  Yes, I’m talking about family gatherings!  It’s usually a comedy of errors when that happens.  Food disasters, lighting faux paux, Gramma Gracie having one too many hot totties and tipping over the Christmas tree, Billy having to share a room with Grandpa, who is a sleep walker.  The poor kid is too scared to sleep because of last year’s catastrophe. Uncle Bob, the world’s worst re-gifter. Ah yes, Christmas.

I think I’m starting to get into the spirit now.  I guess this year I’m just not willing to give up summer yet.  That’s the biggest part of the problem, I think.  I want to still be fishing in the warm sunshine and driving around with my sunroof open.  But alas, winter is setting in and a light blanket of snow is already covering the ground.  At least we have the beauty and feeling of the holidays to help us make that transition into the depths of winter.  Light a candle, string some lights, grab a cup of hot chocolate or pumpkin spice cappuccino, and remember the real reason for the season.

Things are starting to look better already.  Hey, Christmas muse!  There you are!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Free-writing and Writing Prompts

So, today I decided to get my other blog going again.  It’s at, and I just use a random prompt that I find anywhere on the Internet, and I write about it for 10 minutes.  Whatever comes out, I post it.  Those are the rules – no editing, no caring what I’ve written – just write for 10 minutes and post.

I decided to look around on the Internet and get some new prompts.  The group where I’ve gotten my prompts for a long time re-uses the same prompts each year.  Now, that’s not all that bad.  You can see where your mindset was from one year to the next – you will definitely write something completely different.  But, I wanted to see what was out there.

I realized that writing prompts sometimes make me feel a bit dumb.  I see a prompt and suddenly all of these ideas come to me.  Then I wonder – why couldn’t I just write that to begin with?   Why didn’t I think of that?  It’s weird.  I know that this is why writing prompts exist… to spur your imagination, your muse, whatever you’d like to call it…. but it does make you feel a bit daft at times.  It was right there all the time, and I couldn’t see it.  A great story was ready to be written and I didn’t acknowledge it.  Weird.  When you write a lot, you think you are fairly creative – at least that’s what I think.  But then you realize there was a story begging to be told, and you didn’t even see it.

Don’t get my wrong.  I love writing prompts.  They are the best thing to spark my muse – but they do make me feel as though I should have already been writing a story once one comes about from any given prompt.

Again, the reason prompts exist is for those of us writers, like myself, who cannot see the forest for the trees (how terribly cliché, I know).  All I can say is that the person who “invented” writing prompts is to be commended highly… and if that person is not already a millionaire, he/she should be!

That’s all for tonight, my friends.

Write more, and write more often!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Another NaNo in the Books… so to speak!

Well, another NaNoWriMo has come and gone.  I’m excited that I achieved over the 50,000 word mark.  Now I can get down to the real business of revising and rewriting.  That’s always the hardest part for me.  Sometimes I’d prefer to just start over – but that’s kind of pointless.  I’ve already got the words and ideas down.  Now it’s just a matter of fine tuning them.

I want to get one of my last two novels ready for the ABNA contest on The only question now is which one.  I like them both – or the ideas behind them at least.  I think I might have a better shot at being objective with last year’s novel, but I think this years’ would have more public interest.  Maybe there’s a wider market for this year’s novel?  I mean, who doesn’t like a good old thriller set in an abandoned insane asylum?

Maybe I’ll give it another day or two.  But, really, I’ve only got two months to get this revised and ready for the “real world” to see, so I better get on it!  All three of my novels need revisions, but I’ve only got time for one.  Hmmmmm…….

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Windows Live Writer test

So, the new update came to my computer that said I could have an icon that would let me post directly to my blog.  So I thought I’d check it out.  That’s what this post is all about.  I was a blogger user a long time ago.  I’ve hidden a couple blogs that no longer pertained to my life. But now I feel pretty cool that something I’ve done is still relevant.  LOL.

You know, I went through the whole Yahoo! 360, MySpace, then Facebook thing.  Every time I finally got used to something, everyone I knew switched social media networks.  I think it’s all a bit crazy.  I mean, if you actually wanted to talk to these people… aren’t you texting them anyway. Smile  I know. You probably expected me to ask if you weren’t just calling them… perhaps snail-mailing them.  No.  I’m old, but I’m not that old.  Not just yet.  I do my best to embrace new technology.  Maybe that’s where I’ve gone wrong a time or two.  I should just do what I like, and stick to that.  If anyone really wants to know what I think, they will probably look for me where I am. That makes sense.  At any rate, that was the only purpose of this blog entry…. just to check and make sure my old mine could still wrap itself around something new.  Hope everyone I know and love it doing well!

Laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Taterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend

A long-time friend of mine was burried today. His new wife of 7-months is also a close friend. I can't begin to imagine what she's going through. She waited so long for love to find her again... only for it to be taken from her so quickly. I don't know how his kids are dealing with it, either, after losing their mother.... I believe it was 2 or 3 years ago. I wasn't in town when she died, but I know he was devastated.

I am happy for him that he found love one more time before he died. I am happy for my other friend that she found love with him again. At over 40 years old she seemed a school girl again when they got together. Life is so precious. Sometimes we need to put aside out differences and realize this. It's not always easy, but eventually someone needs to be the bigger, better person and extend the olive branch. Unfortunately, most times, people only realize this all too late. I know that I am fortunate to have all of my loved ones in my life. As life goes on, I know I will lose many of them. All I can do at that point is thank God for each and every day that I had with them - each smile, each tear. It's a sad day, but filled with so many happy memories.

Do me a favor - give someone a hug today, please.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Things Kids Don't Know Amaze Me!

This weekend I had the opportunity to spend the day with a bunch of local kids. It was an event set up by our DNR where they could learn about hunting, fishing, and other outdoor activities. A few things surprised me about the day.

The first one was the turnout, given the cold and rainy weather. It was great to see so many kids interested enough in all of these activities that they would still come out, despite the weather. And, I have to say, most of them were dressed well for the weather.

One of the things that bothered me, though, were the amount of parents that simply dropped their kids off and left. There used to be a time that, when your kids were interested in something... a good wholesome activity that tends to keep kids from drinking, doing drugs, and getting in trouble... that parents would go to any lengths to show at least some interest and support of their kids.

Another thing that really bothered me was the amount of 7, 8, 9, and 10 year olds who didn't even know their own address! When I went to school, you needed to know your parents' names, your address, and your phone number before you even went to kindergarten. If one of these kids were to ever, God forbid, get lost somewhere. How would they be able to tell anyone where they belonged?

One young lad even turned to his brother while filling out the simple paperwork (name, address, phone, parents' name) and asked, "What's Mom's first name?" Really?!? Kids don't know these things? I admit, as a kid, not knowing my grandmother's first name. I called my grandparents Gramma and Grammpa (insert last name here). It was a matter of respect. We never called our grandparents by their first names. But I'm fairly sure that I have always known my parents' first names!

You know, this leads me to a bit of a different rant, but I think it fits here. All over the country you hear proposals about linking students' grades to teachers' pay. In a way, I understand that. But what about the parents? Where are they? Why are they no longer responsible for what a child learns?

Again I must say, when I was a kid, my parents made sure my homework was done. They made sure they looked it over and that I was grasping the concepts. I don't think this responsibility lies solely with the teachers. Before you argue that things were different "back then", let me say that both of my parents worked. They both held full-time jobs the entire time I was in school. I guess maybe priorities were different back then. Maybe kids were more important back then? A sense of responsibility demanded that children, and their welfare, be the center of the family.

Before anyone gets too irate with me, I'm not speaking of all parents here. I know quite a few people who are awesome parents and would do anything to help their kids succeed. Sadly, though, they don't seem to be the majority anymore. Many seem to think that how a child performs in school is a direct reflection on no one other than the child. Really? It doesn't reflect parenting skills in any way, shape, or form? Really? That's all I can say.....

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Another NaNo will begin soon!

Once again, I've decided to get involved in the yearly noveling craziness at I will, once again, write a novel of 50,000 words or more in the month of November. I'm feverishly preparing for this journey as we speak. I'm fleshing out characters, setting scenes in my mind, and figuring out where I will go with all of the information my characters are already feeding me.

There is one difference this year. This year I will be a Municipal Liaison for my area! I'm so excited to head a group of Northern Wisconsin novelists! Its an added responsibility, to be sure, but I think it's going to be great. It will really help me make NaNo my focus for the month and beyond. Last year I slacked a bit after the month of November and I didn't get into the ABNA contest on, but this year I'm going to do it! I did it once and got farther along in the competition than I originally thought I would. This time I hope for even better results. Of course, the ultimate would be to win the publishing contract with Penguin Press. Dare I dream that high? Of course! If you want to be one of those people who thinks maybe you might try something and then just see what happens, life's not going to go your way. You have to believe in yourself and that you can accomplish what you want to accomplish in life!

So, off I head, into the great, wide world of NaNo, with the hope and desire to refine my menagerie of 50K plus words until I have an actual novel and a pitch that can get my where I want to be!

I also wish the best of luck to all of my friends and accomplices in this venture! Write like you were born to!
Laterzzzzzzzz, Taterzzzzzzzzzzzz!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The new job!

I haven't written in a while, but I have to say that my new job is very refreshing! I'm not the boss. I'm not anything special. I'm just a server. I go to work, serve the public, and go home and have a life. I've been in management so long... it's nice to just have a regular 40-hour week job. I'm not saying that I'll never go back into management. I'm just saying that it's nice to have a break.

It's nice to interact with customers without having to worry about what 10 other people are doing ever second. It's great! I truly thought I'd be in management forever... but that last job really took its toll on me. Maybe I'm just at the age where I realize there's more to life than work. I've had a great time - both at work and in life - since I quit my last job. I have time to fish, I have time to write. I have time to just be lazy if the mood strikes. I try not to do that too often, but I have to say that the occasional nap does creep up on me.

So, I know this is a pretty lame post, but I'm ready to write more.... and I still work with the public, so there's always plenty of fodder there! Take care all and read well and often!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Karma - You Make Me Smile

As the saying goes, Karma is a b&%$. Since I took over my latest restaurant two months ago, my junior managers, one of whom was running the place until I took over as GM, have been trying everything they can think of to work against me and make thing difficult. They've even tried to get me fired. They have about 75% of the staff thinking I'm a terrible manager and incredibly mean and just ... well, an asshole. So, a couple people have gotten other jobs and, rather than give notice, they have just walked out in the middle of their shift. Today we had one more as a no-call, no-show. I heard she had an interview for another job, so I'm assuming she got it... and this is her way of telling me she gave me a two week notice two weeks ago.

The funniest thing about this whole thing, is that if it keeps up this way, the two women who were looking to get rid of me so they could run the place (into the ground) just as they have for the last few years, will be there alone with a very, very small crew. I've already given my notice. I'm done in a week. They can have the place. I've had more than enough. And since they've run off all the staff under the guise of me being a terrible manager, they can feel free to try to rebuild a crew in a town of 1500 people were any applicants at all are hard to come by. Have fun, ladies!

I know how ugly these kinds of battles can get. I've been there before. The main difference is that when I was in this situation before, I had the unwaivering support of my boss. That's not the case here. In one breath he tells me I have his complete support and in the next breath makes it evident that he's scared to get rid of the people who are causing the problems - simply because they've always been there through all of the GMs who have come and gone. Well, there is a reason that GMs don't last in this particular location. It's these two women! I guess I can't make him see that, so it's time to move on.

When you hear from crew members that someone said this or that or whatever about you, you take it with a grain of salt. But, when I walked out into the dining room during lunch today only to hear one of my junior "managers" telling a customer that the manager is worthless and doesn't know what she's doing, etc... well, then I tend to believe everything I've been told about what is said behind my back.

Funny thing is, I know that I'm damn good at what I do. I've been doing it for a long time, and I've had great results. When you mix going to work for a company who cares absolutely nothing about you as a person, with undermining behavior of the people who are supposed to work for you, then it's just not worth it. I could go on and on, but I won't. Suffice it to say that I am closing this chapter of my life and starting a new one. This one, as short as it was, was still pretty ugly. At some point, though, I'm sure I'll find that it has helped me in some way, shape, or form, to become a better person. Right now, though, I am too close to it and it does nothing but tick me off and make me irritable. LOL. So, out with the old and on to brighter days!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Time for a Change

I guess there comes a time in everyone's life where they realize there are things in the world that are more important than money. Well, don't get me wrong. I've always known that. It's just that this job has made it crystal clear to me. 60 and 70-hour work weeks coupled with two hours of driving a day has made me seriously reconsider my career choice. I'll be changing jobs in a couple of weeks - I'm going to be in an hourly position as a server and bartender. It'll be less money, of course, but definitely more peace of mind.

For the last five months I've been able to do nothing but work. Oh yes, I've gotten in a little fishing here and there. Don't get me wrong. But as far as quality of life goes, I'd put it in the "nonexistent" category. Some weeks I sleep and work and sleep and work - and that's it.

So, on to better things, I say. It's going to be tough for a while, money-wise. There are still bills to pay and whatnot... but we'll figure out a way. We always do. Making ends meet shouldn't take away your entire life. I've always said that. Looking back, I'd rather deal with Country Kitchen and all of the crap we went through there, than deal with what I'm dealing with at work now.

So, here's to: back to blogging; back to writing; back to fishing; back to life!!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ready to go back to Work

Only a couple more days left before I'm back to work. Yesterday I went and checked out the restaurant I'll be running. Of course, I didn't tell anyone who I was or anything. I just sat and observed. If I were to grade the place, I'd give it at least an 85% if not higher. It was very clean and very nice looking - at least the dining room and everything I could see from it. The server was really nice - personable and attentive. She did a good job. There were a couple minor service issues that I saw in general, but nothing that can't be easily fixed. And the food was good. So, overall, I think I'm farther ahead in this place than I've been in a lot of them that I've taken over.

Of course, sales are down quite a bit right now. It's a tourist town - it's not summer, and winter is on its way out. So, it's really in between seasons. Of course, there is the question of the economy and how that affects how often people dine out.... but people do still eat out. They just want to make sure that they are having a great experience when they are dining out.

That might seem like a no-brainer. People always want to go to the places with the best food and the best service. But, when every dollar earned needs to stretch even farther, people make different choices based on past experiences. They might really want Greek food, for instance. But, the Greek food place in town usually has slow service. In good times, they are more apt to give in to their desire for that kind of food even though they know the experience might not be the best (I chose a Greek restaurant only because there are none around here and I didn't want anyone to think I was picking on them). But, in a tough economy, people may forgo a desire for Greek food because they know there's a little diner where the service is always great, the portions are big, and there is consistency in the food.

Overall, I really think I'll like this store - and the company I am going to work for. After the last fiasco I went through.... I would say anything could be better, but then again - I don't want to temp fate. At least this company pays their bills and I don't have to go to the local credit union and pay the power bill in all ones every month. Those of you who know what I'm talking about will wish you would have thought of it.

So, it's on to a new adventure.....

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New Job

So, it looks like I will be starting my new job soon. Yes, still as a restaurant manager. It's what I do and what I'm good it. new company, though, which is great. LOL. New company. The old one is pretty much done, sadly. Well, not sadly for the company, but sadly for the hundreds of people that worked for them and trusted (blindly, I might add) that they would always have a job as long as they did what was asked of them.

But that's old news. It was a dysfunctional company for a long time. It was kind of like a slow-motion train wreck that you just can't turn away from. But now it's over.

On to bigger and better things - hopefully. So far, this seems like it's going to be a "real" job! I know that sounds weird to people who've never been in the restaurant industry.... but, believe me, there are a lot of jobs in this industry that the normal person would not do - at all levels. It is sometimes shocking to people in other industries when they see the time requirements, the weird hours, the amount of dedication, that is involved in this industry. Yes, I'm one of those people who thinks that everyone should have to work in this industry for at least 6 months when they are a kid. If it's not your first job, it should at least be your second. There's so much to learn here if you really pay attention.

Starting in March, I'll be training into a segment of the area that I've worked in a bit before, but that I've never really gotten into. I've worked in restaurants that sell pizza, but never in one where it is the "bread and butter", if you will. It will be interesting, and I'm sure it will be fun. You'll learn all about it here, either way!

Laterzzzzzzzzzzzz, Taterzzzzzzzzzzzz!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Signs of Spring!

I know, there's still snow outside. It was below zero last night. But the signs of a spring that's sure to come are here... if only on TV. Of course, this weekend, we have the Daytona 500 and all of the excitement of another NASCAR season. The Bassmasters Classic is only a week away. NHRA starts again this weekend, too! So, these are all signs that spring will be here soon.

Then again, the winter Olympics are just starting, too... so I guess we're in transition. I'm excited to watch the Olympics, of course, but after a long winter, it's good to see signs of spring. I think we all have our sights, smells, and sounds that tell us that warmer weather is on its way.

Sometimes it's funny that way. I remember a restaurant where I cooked for years. We always listened to all of the Brewer's games on the radio. We knew it was summer when we heard Bob Ueker. It didn't matter what the weather was outside - we didn't have a window to even look out of for hours at a time. We might have been just standing in front of hot grills and fryers, but when we heard Bob, we knew it was summer time and the stainless steel wall in front of us turned into a large field full of grass and sun.

It's those things, the things that bring us to warmer, happier times, that many of us in the cold north live for. I am one of those people who think snow-covered pines are absolutley gorgeous... until I have to take the dogs out, or get the driveway plowed, or shovel the car off to go to work in the morning. Once the Christmas tree comes down, I'm ready for spring!

So, bring on the Easter Bunny, the race cars and the bass fishermen! I'm ready.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Starting Again

To be honest, I just remembered I had this blog. I forgot all about it when I switched computers. Of course, it's been a year since I've been on here, so that's probably why. I've got a lot going on and also nothing at all - if that makes sense.

The restaurant where I went to work when we moved back home closed a couple months ago. I wound up as GM somehow before that happened. The whole corporation is going down the crapper, which I knew when I worked for them before we left nothern Wisconsin in 2007. But, now they are closing corporate stores left and right. When I first went to work for them in 2004 I think they had around 30 stores. Now they are down to 3.

So, I'm unemployed, which is weird for me. I've been unemployed for over two months. That usually doesn't happen to me, but there are not many jobs around here where I can make more money working full time than I am on unemployment... and I'm not even making the state maximum. Oh well. I take work when I can get it and have worked a weekend here and there for a friend who is a manager at a little place here in town.

But, I've also started writing for as the Northern Wisconsin Fishing Examiner. It's been pretty fun. There's not a lot of money in it at this point or anything, but it could turn into something. You just never know. I've only published 7 articles so far, but it keeps me busy and keeps me out talking to people in the community and whatnot. It's also a lot of fun, and I'm learning more about ice fishing at this point. I haven't ice fished in years. I was never very serious, or very good, at it, and the cold kind of makes my body hurt. But, I'm learning more about it from the people I talk to for my articles.

I'm also working on revisions of the novel I created for NaNoWriMo last November. The first draft of this one is much, much rougher than the first draft of my last one, so it needs a lot of help.

I will try to get into blogging more. God knows there's a lot to talk about out there these days. I don't promise anything, but you just might see more of me as the days and weeks go on.
Laterzzzzzzzzzz, taterzzzzzzzzz!