Sunday, October 24, 2010

Windows Live Writer test

So, the new update came to my computer that said I could have an icon that would let me post directly to my blog.  So I thought I’d check it out.  That’s what this post is all about.  I was a blogger user a long time ago.  I’ve hidden a couple blogs that no longer pertained to my life. But now I feel pretty cool that something I’ve done is still relevant.  LOL.

You know, I went through the whole Yahoo! 360, MySpace, then Facebook thing.  Every time I finally got used to something, everyone I knew switched social media networks.  I think it’s all a bit crazy.  I mean, if you actually wanted to talk to these people… aren’t you texting them anyway. Smile  I know. You probably expected me to ask if you weren’t just calling them… perhaps snail-mailing them.  No.  I’m old, but I’m not that old.  Not just yet.  I do my best to embrace new technology.  Maybe that’s where I’ve gone wrong a time or two.  I should just do what I like, and stick to that.  If anyone really wants to know what I think, they will probably look for me where I am. That makes sense.  At any rate, that was the only purpose of this blog entry…. just to check and make sure my old mine could still wrap itself around something new.  Hope everyone I know and love it doing well!

Laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Taterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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