Monday, July 19, 2010

Time for a Change

I guess there comes a time in everyone's life where they realize there are things in the world that are more important than money. Well, don't get me wrong. I've always known that. It's just that this job has made it crystal clear to me. 60 and 70-hour work weeks coupled with two hours of driving a day has made me seriously reconsider my career choice. I'll be changing jobs in a couple of weeks - I'm going to be in an hourly position as a server and bartender. It'll be less money, of course, but definitely more peace of mind.

For the last five months I've been able to do nothing but work. Oh yes, I've gotten in a little fishing here and there. Don't get me wrong. But as far as quality of life goes, I'd put it in the "nonexistent" category. Some weeks I sleep and work and sleep and work - and that's it.

So, on to better things, I say. It's going to be tough for a while, money-wise. There are still bills to pay and whatnot... but we'll figure out a way. We always do. Making ends meet shouldn't take away your entire life. I've always said that. Looking back, I'd rather deal with Country Kitchen and all of the crap we went through there, than deal with what I'm dealing with at work now.

So, here's to: back to blogging; back to writing; back to fishing; back to life!!

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