Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New Job

So, it looks like I will be starting my new job soon. Yes, still as a restaurant manager. It's what I do and what I'm good it. new company, though, which is great. LOL. New company. The old one is pretty much done, sadly. Well, not sadly for the company, but sadly for the hundreds of people that worked for them and trusted (blindly, I might add) that they would always have a job as long as they did what was asked of them.

But that's old news. It was a dysfunctional company for a long time. It was kind of like a slow-motion train wreck that you just can't turn away from. But now it's over.

On to bigger and better things - hopefully. So far, this seems like it's going to be a "real" job! I know that sounds weird to people who've never been in the restaurant industry.... but, believe me, there are a lot of jobs in this industry that the normal person would not do - at all levels. It is sometimes shocking to people in other industries when they see the time requirements, the weird hours, the amount of dedication, that is involved in this industry. Yes, I'm one of those people who thinks that everyone should have to work in this industry for at least 6 months when they are a kid. If it's not your first job, it should at least be your second. There's so much to learn here if you really pay attention.

Starting in March, I'll be training into a segment of the area that I've worked in a bit before, but that I've never really gotten into. I've worked in restaurants that sell pizza, but never in one where it is the "bread and butter", if you will. It will be interesting, and I'm sure it will be fun. You'll learn all about it here, either way!

Laterzzzzzzzzzzzz, Taterzzzzzzzzzzzz!

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