Saturday, November 1, 2008

Day Two

Okay, technically, it's day 1 of NaNoWriMo, but it's day two for me. I got home from work after working second shift last night and started. Then I worked first shift today and worked on things again. I can already see my internal editor wanting to review, revise, etc. I know that will be my biggest challenge this month. I must silence that editor until my writing for the day is done, at least.

Marvin has advised me that I should have a goal of 2,000 words, so I make sure I write and write until I get to that "magic" goal. At that point, I re-read before I go to bed so that, if nothing else, my sub-conscious thinks about it and can decide on susinct revisions if need be. Let me also say, for those of you who don't know Marv, that is not an imaginary friend. He's real. I know he's real, so don't even go there. LOL. Well, I guess, actually, I don't know he's real. I've never actually met him. Hmmm. Well, I've read two of his books, Owen Fiddler and I Romanced the Stone. Hmmm. So, does that make him real? I guess, to me, it does. Someone wrote those books. Marvin told me about the books that he wrote. Then I read those books. Then I asked him about those books... and he answered. So, I am just guessing, but I think he's pretty real. Okay, I think that's a post for another day, is it not? That is a subject in and of itself.

At this point, I am sure that you think that my musings here are simply an attempt to get away from my novel and the responsibilities that I have to myself (and myself only) to complete those 50,000 words this month. To that, I simply say, "SO?" hehehehe.

Actually, I was having problems with the afore-mentioned editor, so I thought I would side track her and post to my blog. Actually, I'm doing very well tonight. I have over 1,700 words on the day, so that is a good thing. And, of course, we gain an hour tonight... which I plan to spend sleeping, truth be told. But I wanted to say thanks to Marv Wilson and my Mom (Billie Willams) who have given me inspirations and ideas and whatnot to help me to prepare for this challenge. I've been having fun with it, and have one other person at work whom I have talked into taking this challenge as well, so that will be a great time for us. We already have a bit of a competition going about how may words we need to prove to the other the next morning that we have written the previous night. I give her loads of credit. She has three kids and a job, and she is taking on this challenge with me. Of course, her motivation is that she can, in writing, exact all of the punishments on her soon-to-be ex-husband that he may (or may not, I don't know the guy, so who am I to say) deserve. In that way, writing is always theraputic.

The other day on I happened upon an author whose works I enjoyed and then stopped by his profile. Of course, being October, with Halloween and All Hallows Eve falling on its heels and all, (o, la dia de los muetros) I have been reading some scary stories. When I read this particular individual's profile (BobCat is his handle), it ended with... "Horror writers write so that they do not do." or something to that very effect. It may seem somewhat unnerving, but, at the same time, those who write, understand it to be fact. Writing, plain and simple, is very therapeutic. It's just something we do to translate the thoughts in our head to the words on our paper. Hopefully, the "bad," "rotten," "evil," thoughts... whatever term you prefer, are allowed the light they need to heal, and those thoughts that are positive, but that we are afraid to express in a seemingly negative world, will take root and bear fruit in our souls and lives.

I guess that's my post for tonight. It came out somewhat different than I thought it would but, then again, that is the beauty of writing. Sometimes you learn interesting things... even if they were things you didn't know you knew or were thinking about. Thanks for reading, as always.

I don't want you to think that there are always things like this here.. usually I just laugh at things that have happened in the world, so be prepared for that, too. It just so happened that, today, I thought about something. :-) At any rate, now that I remember that I have that extra hour, I may just use it to write and then watch some NASCAR or Packers football tomorrow for an extra time. OH wait! I think there's NHRA drag racing on, too! That pretty much takes precidence over everything else. I'll just DVR the rest, so nobody email or text me and tell me what happens elsewhere in the universe. I'll catch up with it all soon enough!

Laterzzzzzzz, Taterzzzzzzz!

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