Monday, November 3, 2008

So, I have no setting

I've been writing away, as you know, on my novel for NaNo. But, when I'm looking back on some of what I have written, I'm not sure I have enough setting. Of course, I see it all in my head, but I don't think I really talk about it enough. I think I've been too focused on the dialogue and the characters. I understand that I am not looking to have a finished work, by any stretch of the imagination, by the end of the month, but I'm not sure if I'm saying enough about the setting. I've printed off what I have so far to give to a friend at work. Once she reads it, I guess then I'll know if I am explaining the wheres and whats well enough. She's an avid reader, but has offered her services as a critic as well, so that may prove to be very helpful for me. I think I will ask, after she reads it, what she "sees" as the scene in certain parts. Maybe that will help me. Of course, when I'm reading a book, I may "see" things differently than other people, and that is the part about books that always makes them "better than the movie," but I want to make sure, at the same time, that I am conveying my thoughts properly.

The only downfall I can see is that this friend also works in the restaurant industry... the main setting of the book. I just wonder how it will translate to someone who knows little about the industry and who knows little about me. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of NaNoers where I live, in this small, rural area, so it's not like I'll be attending a lot of write-ins or anything like I would when I was in the Rochester area. But, I'm sure I'll find ways to put more in about the setting. Once again, the internal editor was nagging me a bit, so I thought I would let her express her thoughts here and give her some sort of promise to revisit setting at a later time. Now then, I must get back to the task at hand.
Laterzzzz, taterzzzz

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