Thursday, October 30, 2008

Preparing for NaNo

Well, there's only one day left (not counting today, of course) until NaNo, the novel writing challenge. I think I am prepared. I've set up my plot - my story board is full of different colored sticky notes to tell me where the story is going next; my character sketches are almost done: I'm finishing those up today. I have a schedule set up to write and write and write... hopefully that holds together. I have a case of Diet Pepsi and plenty of coffee and cappuccino, not to mention snacks and other goodies to keep me going. This is my first attempt at writing something of this size - 50,000 words, and I am truly excited about it. I think I've planned everything I can plan, or very close to it. Then again, I'm sure something will come up by the middle of the month that will make the challenge, well, a little more challenging. Being a restaurant manager for so long really helps, though. It is impossible to plan an entire day is this industry. Something unexpected always comes up; there is no "typical" day. One learns to expect the unexpected and to still accomplish all of one's original goals anyway. Hopefully that will prove to be the case with this endeavor as well.

And so away I go - off into the world of noveling. Hopefully I will come out on the other side, at the end of November, with my first-ever attempt at a novel. I don't expect perfection in a month's time, but at least I will have a completed draft that I can work on over the winter months. Good luck to everyone who is participating!
Laterzzzzzzzz Taterzzzzzzzzzz1

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