Saturday, December 20, 2008


I know. I've been gone for a minute or two. I have been writing, though... just not here. I got involved in a writing community at, and I've been having such a great time there. I've been entering contests, "meeting" other writers, and getting involved all over the site. I've been able to review a lot of other writers' works, and now I even have the pleasure of mentoring a "newbie" (our name for someone who is new to the site and looking for direction or help with their writing or just getting around the site).

I am involved, right now, in the 31-Day Journal Writing Challenge, and that has been great, too. We get a prompt every day and each competitor writes about that prompt in their blog on the site. It's been so interesting to me to see the different takes on all of the prompts. It really helps to expand the possibilities on anything!

I would recommend to anyone who is a writer and may be looking for a little feedback, a little inspiration, a place to call home, a place where people understand... whatever it is that a writer is looking for, I think has it! The site is huge and there is so much to do and see there. To me, it just makes me feel good to know that others are reading what I am writing and offering feedback. It helps me out a great deal. I know I can count on my family and friends to do the same... but then I may think: do they have the time for this? Are they being honest or just stroking my ego?... things like that. I love them all dearly, but I think they are somewhat prejudiced. :-)

At any rate, if anyone would like to check out my portfolio on, here's the link:

Next month is pretty busy, too. I am into the rewriting of my NaNo novel in hopes to get it into a contest on in February. I also am taking part in a couple of classes on Writing.Com... one is a story telling class (myths and whatnot) and the other is the Writer's Workshop, to which I was invited by the instructor. It made me feel so good to have someone invite me into this workshop... it's not open to anyone who wants to take it, I guess. It's a "by invitation only" sort of affair, which I think is pretty cool. Hopefully I don't disappoint her!

But, this is what's going on with me right now. I think one of the reasons I was meant to come back home was so that I could focus more on my writing. It's the one thing I've always had through all of life's ups and downs, and it's something I know will always be with me.

I wish you all a safe, blessed and Merry Christmas!
Laterzzzzzzzzzz, Taterzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

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