Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I'm not avoiding you, really

I know, I know. I used to blog so much more! I've been so busy on Writing.Com, though.... not a good excuse, is it?

The 31-Day Journal Writing Challenge has been very good for me, though. It's got me writing to random prompts again, and that will definitely mean more to blog about. I must say that, as it is with any community, it was an interesting mix of personalities for the month. You have the overbearing chick who tries to take over each and every time a person is not "Johnny on the Spot", but who also tells the entire community that she is a "good writer - very good, and I don't care what anyone thinks, because I know I'm that good!" Wow. Okay. Good for you, then! LOL. What do you say to that? She may be incredibly evil and have absolutely no social skills.... but, DANG! She knows she's a good writer, so that's all that matters to her. Go, Fight, Win!, lady. That's about all I can say to that.

Wow! This is refreshing! I can say what I want. If anyone happens to "click on me" that doesn't know me, they can just click away if they don't like what they see. :-) On the site I am talking about, I am a member of the "Simply Positive Review" group... and don't get me wrong, I think that is awesome. To me, there is something good in every piece of writing, and it keeps my temper in check when people are just... well, dumb. The point is, that I feel that I have a standing in that community that does not truly let my personality shine as it should....LOL. I keep things positive and, if I have nothing nice to say, I say nothing at all. To say the least... her and I don't talk much! In fact, about halfway into this challenge, she had made it (day after day after day) apparent that she wished to disclose nothing at all... nothing, did I say that?.... about her personal life or thoughts (and yet it was a Journal Writer's Challenge....hmmmm) to anyone.

Well, it was almost Christmas time and also her turn to provide a prompt for the group. Her words were, "Well, it's time to get serious", as she told us all, in no uncertain terms, that our prompt was to write a piece about global warming, cite two sources, and that the word "I" or any plural of that word would not be allowed for that day (like... umm... who is SHE?).. anywway, the prompt was to have to do with the North Pole and the effect of Global Warming on said place. After writing my piece, from the perspective of Santa Claus, and citing the North Star Journal and the Reindeer Review, I was pleased to see that so many others had taken the same train as I. There is too much doom and gloom and, while we may have to deal with that on a regular basis, to her, all I could say was, "Cite THIS!"

Ummm... that's mean. hehehehe. My thought about why we should stop global warming, at least for that prompt, was... No one wants to see Santa in a Speedo!

To me, Christmas is not a time that lends itself to the doom and gloom of the world. Let us have our magical moments. What's more, let us see the magical moments in every day. The rest of the world will always be there to "tell us" how bad off we are. Take the magic while we can and live it to its fullest!

That is my diatribe for the evening. Thanks for tuning in!
Laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, Taterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

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