I've taken this winter to venture into new genres of writing. I took a poetry class. I don't "do" poetry. I don't know why. I knew, even before taking the class, that so much goes into every word and every syllable. I knew that it would be one of the more difficult classes that I have taken. I was incredibly right! Wow. It was an amazing adventure and I probably learned more than I can even say... but it was tough.
Now I'm on to other unchartet territory - playwriting. The academy located at writing.com, one of my favorite Websites has a class this term where each student creates a 1 Act play! I'm excited to take this one. I'm not as scared as I was with the poetry. I have exposure, at least, to small theatre and I have always loved going to plays. I was very lucky as a kid and my mom worked at a local college. I got to go and watch them set up the plays and once I even sat in the lighting room while the play was going on. That was a huge treat for me as a kid!
So, this adventure, while it still might be a bit stressful, will also be fun-filled. Don't get me wrong. I had a good time in the poetry class, and I definitely leared a lot. But this one will just be a lot of fun overall, I think.
I'm still assistant teacher for another writing class, and I've got a bit more of a role in the class this term, so that will keep me busy, too. I think this year looks pretty good for writing.
I hope to get a novel revision finished and send that off in the next month or two, also. There's part of me that thinks that I haven't finished the revisions yet and sent it off because I'm afraid of what will happen if, by some weird stroke of luck, someone actually wants to publish it! LOL. I know, that sounds crazy, but I feel that way more and more. What if someone does want to publish it? What then? I guess that's not something I should really be worried about. What are the odds of it actually happening? But then, you just never know. It's just good to have a lot going on all at once, I think. It makes me more productive.
And now, I must away. I must find some sort of storyline for this play. Class starts soon!
laterz, taterz!