Well, another NaNoWriMo has come and gone. I’m excited that I achieved over the 50,000 word mark. Now I can get down to the real business of revising and rewriting. That’s always the hardest part for me. Sometimes I’d prefer to just start over – but that’s kind of pointless. I’ve already got the words and ideas down. Now it’s just a matter of fine tuning them.
I want to get one of my last two novels ready for the ABNA contest on Amazon.com. The only question now is which one. I like them both – or the ideas behind them at least. I think I might have a better shot at being objective with last year’s novel, but I think this years’ would have more public interest. Maybe there’s a wider market for this year’s novel? I mean, who doesn’t like a good old thriller set in an abandoned insane asylum?
Maybe I’ll give it another day or two. But, really, I’ve only got two months to get this revised and ready for the “real world” to see, so I better get on it! All three of my novels need revisions, but I’ve only got time for one. Hmmmmm…….