Sunday, October 24, 2010

Windows Live Writer test

So, the new update came to my computer that said I could have an icon that would let me post directly to my blog.  So I thought I’d check it out.  That’s what this post is all about.  I was a blogger user a long time ago.  I’ve hidden a couple blogs that no longer pertained to my life. But now I feel pretty cool that something I’ve done is still relevant.  LOL.

You know, I went through the whole Yahoo! 360, MySpace, then Facebook thing.  Every time I finally got used to something, everyone I knew switched social media networks.  I think it’s all a bit crazy.  I mean, if you actually wanted to talk to these people… aren’t you texting them anyway. Smile  I know. You probably expected me to ask if you weren’t just calling them… perhaps snail-mailing them.  No.  I’m old, but I’m not that old.  Not just yet.  I do my best to embrace new technology.  Maybe that’s where I’ve gone wrong a time or two.  I should just do what I like, and stick to that.  If anyone really wants to know what I think, they will probably look for me where I am. That makes sense.  At any rate, that was the only purpose of this blog entry…. just to check and make sure my old mine could still wrap itself around something new.  Hope everyone I know and love it doing well!

Laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Taterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend

A long-time friend of mine was burried today. His new wife of 7-months is also a close friend. I can't begin to imagine what she's going through. She waited so long for love to find her again... only for it to be taken from her so quickly. I don't know how his kids are dealing with it, either, after losing their mother.... I believe it was 2 or 3 years ago. I wasn't in town when she died, but I know he was devastated.

I am happy for him that he found love one more time before he died. I am happy for my other friend that she found love with him again. At over 40 years old she seemed a school girl again when they got together. Life is so precious. Sometimes we need to put aside out differences and realize this. It's not always easy, but eventually someone needs to be the bigger, better person and extend the olive branch. Unfortunately, most times, people only realize this all too late. I know that I am fortunate to have all of my loved ones in my life. As life goes on, I know I will lose many of them. All I can do at that point is thank God for each and every day that I had with them - each smile, each tear. It's a sad day, but filled with so many happy memories.

Do me a favor - give someone a hug today, please.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Things Kids Don't Know Amaze Me!

This weekend I had the opportunity to spend the day with a bunch of local kids. It was an event set up by our DNR where they could learn about hunting, fishing, and other outdoor activities. A few things surprised me about the day.

The first one was the turnout, given the cold and rainy weather. It was great to see so many kids interested enough in all of these activities that they would still come out, despite the weather. And, I have to say, most of them were dressed well for the weather.

One of the things that bothered me, though, were the amount of parents that simply dropped their kids off and left. There used to be a time that, when your kids were interested in something... a good wholesome activity that tends to keep kids from drinking, doing drugs, and getting in trouble... that parents would go to any lengths to show at least some interest and support of their kids.

Another thing that really bothered me was the amount of 7, 8, 9, and 10 year olds who didn't even know their own address! When I went to school, you needed to know your parents' names, your address, and your phone number before you even went to kindergarten. If one of these kids were to ever, God forbid, get lost somewhere. How would they be able to tell anyone where they belonged?

One young lad even turned to his brother while filling out the simple paperwork (name, address, phone, parents' name) and asked, "What's Mom's first name?" Really?!? Kids don't know these things? I admit, as a kid, not knowing my grandmother's first name. I called my grandparents Gramma and Grammpa (insert last name here). It was a matter of respect. We never called our grandparents by their first names. But I'm fairly sure that I have always known my parents' first names!

You know, this leads me to a bit of a different rant, but I think it fits here. All over the country you hear proposals about linking students' grades to teachers' pay. In a way, I understand that. But what about the parents? Where are they? Why are they no longer responsible for what a child learns?

Again I must say, when I was a kid, my parents made sure my homework was done. They made sure they looked it over and that I was grasping the concepts. I don't think this responsibility lies solely with the teachers. Before you argue that things were different "back then", let me say that both of my parents worked. They both held full-time jobs the entire time I was in school. I guess maybe priorities were different back then. Maybe kids were more important back then? A sense of responsibility demanded that children, and their welfare, be the center of the family.

Before anyone gets too irate with me, I'm not speaking of all parents here. I know quite a few people who are awesome parents and would do anything to help their kids succeed. Sadly, though, they don't seem to be the majority anymore. Many seem to think that how a child performs in school is a direct reflection on no one other than the child. Really? It doesn't reflect parenting skills in any way, shape, or form? Really? That's all I can say.....