To be honest, I just remembered I had this blog. I forgot all about it when I switched computers. Of course, it's been a year since I've been on here, so that's probably why. I've got a lot going on and also nothing at all - if that makes sense.
The restaurant where I went to work when we moved back home closed a couple months ago. I wound up as GM somehow before that happened. The whole corporation is going down the crapper, which I knew when I worked for them before we left nothern Wisconsin in 2007. But, now they are closing corporate stores left and right. When I first went to work for them in 2004 I think they had around 30 stores. Now they are down to 3.
So, I'm unemployed, which is weird for me. I've been unemployed for over two months. That usually doesn't happen to me, but there are not many jobs around here where I can make more money working full time than I am on unemployment... and I'm not even making the state maximum. Oh well. I take work when I can get it and have worked a weekend here and there for a friend who is a manager at a little place here in town.
But, I've also started writing for as the Northern Wisconsin Fishing Examiner. It's been pretty fun. There's not a lot of money in it at this point or anything, but it could turn into something. You just never know. I've only published 7 articles so far, but it keeps me busy and keeps me out talking to people in the community and whatnot. It's also a lot of fun, and I'm learning more about ice fishing at this point. I haven't ice fished in years. I was never very serious, or very good, at it, and the cold kind of makes my body hurt. But, I'm learning more about it from the people I talk to for my articles.
I'm also working on revisions of the novel I created for NaNoWriMo last November. The first draft of this one is much, much rougher than the first draft of my last one, so it needs a lot of help.
I will try to get into blogging more. God knows there's a lot to talk about out there these days. I don't promise anything, but you just might see more of me as the days and weeks go on.
Laterzzzzzzzzzz, taterzzzzzzzzz!